

单词 Exact performance
释义 十足履行
In the discharge of contracts, a performance which conforms exactly to the requirements of the contract: Cutter v Powell (1795) 101 ER 573, 6 TR 320. The promisor is not allowed to substitute for what he has promised something else which is equally advantageous to the promisee: Legh v Lillie (1860) 6 H & N 165. See also Substantial performance.
就解除合約而言,指確切依循合約規定的履行:Cutter v Powell (1795) 6 TR 320,101 ER 573。承諾者不准予以對受諾者同樣有利的其他事情替代其已承諾的事情:Legh v Lillie (1860) 6 H & N 165。另見 Substantial performance。




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