

单词 Performance
释义 履行
1. The doing of some act. 2. A musical, dramatic, or other form of entertainment.
Contract - The acts which a party must do to fulfill the duties created by a contract. Generally a party to a contract must complete exact performance in order to discharge his obligations unless the contract is divisible or there has been substantial performance: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 7, Contracts [115.283]. Where performance is frustrated, parties may be discharged from fulfilling performance: Law Amendment and Reform (Consolidation) Ordinance (Cap 23) s 16(1). See also Condition; Contract; Dependent obligation; Entire contract; Frustration; Independent obligation; Promise.
Entertainment, sport and tourism - In relation to a work, delivery in the case of lectures, addresses, speeches and sermons; and in general, any mode of visual or acoustic presentation, including presentation by means of a sound recording, film, broadcast or cable programme of the work: Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528) s 27(2). To represent, or cause to be represented at any place or places of dramatic entertainment whatsoever: Performing Right Society Ltd v Hawthorns Hotel (Bournemouth) Ltd [1933] Ch 855; Jennings v Stephens [1936] Ch 469. See also Record.
Intellectual property - 1. In relation to a work, delivery in the case of lectures, addresses, speeches and sermons; and in general, any mode of visual or acoustic presentation, including presentation by means of a sound recording, film, broadcast or cable programme of the work: Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528) s 27(2). The performance of the work in public is an act restricted by the copyright in a literary, dramatic or musical work: s 27(1). 2. In the context of performers’ rights, a dramatic performance (which includes dance and mime); a musical performance; a reading or recitation of a literary work; a performance of a variety act or any similar presentation, which is, or so far as it is, an unfixed performance given by one or more individuals: s 200(2). See also Copyright; Performers’ rights; Performing rights; Public performance; Unauthorised fixation.
1. 某行為的作出。  表演 2.音樂、戲劇或其他形式的娛樂。
合約 - 合約各方為完成合約產生的責任而必須作出的行為。 一般而言,合約各方須確切履行全部的責任以解除其義務,除非合約是可分割的,或合約的重要部份已經履行:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第7冊,合約,第[115.283]段。如履行受挫,則合約各方履行合約的責任可因此而解除。《法律修訂及改革(綜合)條例》(第23章)第16(1)條。另見 Condition; Contract; Dependent obligation; Entire contract; Frustration; Independent obligation; Promise。
娛樂、運動與旅遊業 - 就作品而言,包括講課、講話、演說或講道;一般而言,包括藉任何視像或有聲方式的發佈,包括藉聲音記錄、影片、廣播或有線傳播節目的作品:《版權條例》(第528章)27(2)條。代表或安排代表在一個或多於一個地方作任何的戲劇性的娛樂:Performing Right Society Ltd v Hawthorns Hotel (Bournemouth) Ltd [1933] Ch 855; Jennings v Stephens [1936] Ch 469。另見 Record。
知識產權 - 1. 就作品而言,表演包括講課、講話、演說或講道;及概括而言,包括藉任何視像或有聲方式表達,並包括藉聲音紀錄、影片、廣播或有線傳播節目表達:《版權條例》(第528章) 第27(2)條。公開表演有關作品是受文學作品、戲劇作品或音樂作品的版權所限制的作為:第27(1)條。  2.就表演者的權利而言,表演指(a)戲劇表演(包括舞蹈及默劇);b) 音樂表演;(c) 誦讀或背誦文學作品;(d) 綜合表演或任何相類的演出,但該項表演須屬一項由一名或多於一名個人作出的非錄製表演:第200(2)條。另見 Copyright; Performers’ rights; Performing rights; Public performance; Unauthorised fixation。n.




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