

单词 Peremptory challenge
释义 無因反對
A challenge of a member of the jury panel made by the accused without the necessity of assigning a cause or justification for the challenge. A person arraigned on an indictment for any offence may challenge not more than five jurors without cause and any juror or jurors for cause: Jury Ordinance (Cap 3) s 29. The challenge can be made by counsel but this does not displace the right of the accused personally to make the challenge. See also Challenge to the array; Challenge to the polls; Juror challenge; Jury; Jury roll.
被控人反對陪審團名單上其中一成員出任陪審員而無須給予理由或理據。在公訴中,因任何罪行被提審的人,可無須提出理由而反對任何人出任陪審員,但不得超過5名;並且,在提出理由時,可反對任何人出任陪審員:《陪審員條例》 (第3章)第29條。反對可由代表律師提出,但並不取代被控人親自反對的權利。另見 Challenge to the array; Challenge to the polls; Juror challenge; Jury; Jury roll。




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