

单词 Perfect abstract
释义 完整摘要
An abstract of title that commences with a good root of title and summarises or abstracts the import of each subsequent document forming a link in the vendor’s chain of title, including documents which are not in the vendor’s possession. A perfect abstract is not necessarily one which discloses a perfect title, but rather the title which the vendor actually has even if it is defective. The purchaser may then make requisitions and objections on the basis of the abstract delivered. See also Abstract of title; Objection to title; Requisitions on title.
業權的摘要。先列出妥善的根本業權,再撮述或摘錄其後每份將賣方先後業權連貫起來的文件中的重點,同時包括一些賣方不管有的文件。 完整摘要不必是一份披露完整業權的摘要,而是披露賣方實際擁有的業權,即使該業權是有瑕疵的。 買方可依據交付予他的摘要提出要求或反對。 另見 Abstract of title; Objection to title; Requisitions on title。




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