

单词 Assent
释义 批准

The approval given by the Governor to a Bill passed by the Legislative Council in colonial Hong Kong. After 30 June 1997, a Bill passed by the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region may take effect only after it is signed and promulgated by the Chief Executive: Basic Law art 76. This power is substantive rather than formal as the Chief Executive may dissolve the Legislative Council if he or she refuses to sign a Bill passed the second time by the Legislative Council and consensus still cannot be reached after consultations: Basic Law Arts 49, 50. See also Bill.
在殖民時代香港,由港督就立法會通過的法案作出的批准。1997年6月30日後,由香港特別行政區立法會通過的法案,僅須經行政長官簽署、公佈,即可生效:《基本法》第76條。本權力是實質的而非形式的,行政長官如拒絕簽署立法會再次通過的法案,且經協商仍不能取得一致意見,行政長官可解散立法會:《基本法》第49及50條。另見 Bill。n.





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