

单词 Nonfeasance
释义 不履行法律責任
The omission or failure by a person or public body to do something which that person or public body has agreed or is otherwise liable to do.
Contract - Where a party simply refuses to perform his part of a contract: Boorman v Brown (1842) 3 QB 511, 114 ER 603. In many cases it is difficult to distinguish a mere nonfeasance from a misfeasance: Boorman v Brown, supra. See also Contract.
Public administration - At common law a highway authority is not liable for a nonfeasance constituted by a failure to repair a highway which falls into disrepair (in the absence of a statutory obligation to repair the highway): Papworth v Battersea Corp [1915] 1 KB 392, (CA); Sydney Municipal Council v Bourke [1895] AC 433 (PC). It is however liable for a misfeasance constituted by a positive act which renders the highway dangerous: Bathurst Borough v Macpherson (1879) 4 App Cas 256; McClelland v Manchester Corp [1912] 1 KB 118; Sheppard v Glossop Borough Corp [1912] 3 KB 132.
合約 -   凡一方拒絕履行他就自己在合約的部份之責任:Boorman v Brown (1842) 3 QB 511, 114 ER 603。很多時候,不容易把不履行法律責任與不當行為識別開來:Boorman v Brown, 見上文。另見 Contract。
公共行政 - 普通法下,道路交通部門就因不維修道路而導致道路失修,所構成的不履行法律責任不負法律責任(在沒有法定義務作出道路維修的情形下):Papworth v Battersea Corp [1915] 1 KB 392, (芵國上訴法院);Sydney Municipal Council v Bourke [1895] AC 433 (樞密院)。但因積極行為而導致道路有危險,這所構成的不當行為,負有法律責任:Bathurst Borough v Macpherson (1879) 4 App Cas 256;McClelland v Manchester Corp [1912] 1 KB 118;Sheppard v Glossop Borough Corp [1912] 3 KB 132。adj.




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