

单词 Joint and several liability
释义 共同及各別法律責任
An obligation or liability of two or more persons, so that all are liable jointly or each is liable separately. The party to whom the liability or obligation is owed may either sue one or more separately or all jointly, for example, in a partnership: Partnership Ordinance (Cap 38) ss 12, 14. This means that a plaintiff is entitled to full compensation from any one of the defendants: Halsbury’s Laws of England (4th Ed Reissue, 1998) Vol 9(1) para 1079. Such a defendant may then recover contribution from any or all of the other defendants towards the amount paid to the plaintiff. For example, a partner who pays more than his share of a partnership debt is entitled to contribution from his co-partners: Boulter v Peplow (1850) 9 CB 493; Law Amendment and Reform (Consolidation) Ordinance (Cap 23) s 15. See also Creditor; Joint and several; Obligee; Obligor.
超過一人所須負擔的義務及法律責任,因此所有人須共同地承擔責任或每人獨自地承擔責任。承受法律責任或義務的一方可起訴某人或分開起訴多於一人,或共同起訴所有人,例如在合夥關係中的責任:《合夥條例》(第38章)第12、14條。此指原告人有權享有任何一名被告人所作出的賠償:Halsbury’s Laws of England(第4版再發行,1998年)第9(1)冊第1079段。該被告人可向其他被告人的其中一名或所有被告人追討分擔繳付予原告人的款項。例如某合夥人付出多於其合夥債項的份數,即有權獲得其共同合夥人的分擔款項:Boulter v Peplow (1850) 9 CB 493;《法律修訂及改革(綜合)條例》 (第23章)第15條。另見 Creditor; Joint and several; Obligee; Obligor。




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