

单词 Money had and received
释义 獲得並收到的款項
A cause of action whereby the plaintiff seeks to recover money from the defendant on the ground that the defendant had received the money to the use of the plaintiff to whom in justice and equity it belongs: Kwai Hung Realty Co Ltd v Kung Mo Ng [1998] 1 HKC 145. The action commonly arises where the plaintiff has paid money to the defendant on a consideration that has totally failed. See also Quasi-contract; Restitution; Unjust enrichment.
一項訴訟因由,原告人向被告追討金錢,理由為被告獲得的款項秉公而論及在衡平法上是屬於原告人的:Kwai Hung Realty Co Ltd v Kung Mo Ng [1998] 1 HKC 145。訴訟通常發生在原告人就代價付錢給被告,而代價竟完全無效。另見 Quasi-contract; Restitution; Unjust enrichment。




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