

单词 False representation
释义 虛假陳述
At common law, a statement (which may be oral or in writing or arise by implication from words or conduct) made by a representor to a representee and relating by way of affirmation, denial, description or otherwise to a matter of present or past fact, which was at the material date false in substance and in fact: Halsbury’s Laws of England (4th Ed Reissue) Vol 31, paras 703 & 742. For the purpose of determining whether there has or has not been a misrepresentation at all, the representor’s knowledge, belief or other state of mind is immaterial, save in cases where the representation relates to the representor’s state of mind, although his state of mind is of the utmost importance for the purpose of considering whether the misrepresentation was fraudulent: Halsbury’s Laws of England (4th Ed Reissue) Vol 31, para 742. A number of ordinances create the offence of making false representation in specific contexts, for example, Immigration Ordinance (Cap 115) s 42; Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200) ss 34, 37, 120; Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571) s 107. Also known as ‘Misrepresentation’. See also False advertising; Sponsorship.
在普通法上,指陳述者向受陳述者作出的陳述 (可藉口頭形式或書面形式,或從文字或行為的含意所引致),並且涉及通過確定、否認、描述或其他方法作出有關現在或過去事實的陳述,而在關鍵日期上該等陳述在實質上及事實上屬虛假陳述:Halsbury’s Laws of England (第4版再發行)第31冊第703及742段。在裁定是否曾有失實陳述時,儘管陳述者的心態對考慮該失實陳述是否具欺詐成份絕對重要,陳述者的個人所知、所信之事或其他心態無關重要(除陳述與陳述者的心態有關的案件外):Halsbury’s Laws of England (第4版再發行)第31冊第742段。若干條例訂立在特別的情況下作出虛假陳述的罪行,例如《入境條例》(第115章)第42條;《刑事罪行條例》(第200章)第34、37及120條;《證券及期貨條例》(第571章)第107條。另稱「失實陳述」。另見 False advertising; Sponsorship。




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