

单词 False testimony
释义 虛假證供
An untrue statement given in evidence. While a person lawfully sworn as a witness wilfully makes a statement in any judicial proceeding which is material in that proceeding and which he knows to be false or does not believe to be true commits the offence of perjury: Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200) s 31. While a person in giving any testimony otherwise than on oath makes a statement which he knows to be false or does not believe to be true also commits an offence: s 32A. See also Perjury; Public mischief.
在證據中作出不真實陳述。任何人如在依法宣誓為證人後,在任何司法程序中故意作出一項在該程序中具關鍵性的陳述,且知道該項陳述是屬虛假的或不相信該項陳述是屬真實的,即屬犯宣誓下作假證供的罪行:《刑事罪行條例》(第200章)第31條。任何人如作出非經宣誓而作的證供,作出知道在要項上屬虛假者或他亦不相信其是屬真實者的陳述,亦屬犯罪:第32A條。另見 Perjury; Public mischief。




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