

单词 Fair dealing
释义 公平處理
The acts which may be done in relation to copyright works notwithstanding the subsistence of copyright. In copyright law, it may include a work for the purpose of research or private study (Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528) s 38); for the purpose of criticism or review (s 39(1)); or for the purpose of reporting current events (s 39(2)). Factors to be considered in fair dealing include the purpose and nature of the dealing; the nature of the work and the amount and substantially of the portion dealt with in relation to the work as a whole (s 38(3)). A court would appear to have power to deem a particular form of copying to be a fair dealing. The defence is a public interest defence and it is not for private commercial interests: Newspaper Licensing Agency Ltd v Marks & Spencer plc [2001] RPC 536. See also Copyright; Direct infringement; Indirect infringement.
儘管在有版權存在的情況下,仍可就版權作品作出的行為。版權法中,這可包括為研究或私人研習的目的(《版權條例》(第528章)第38條);為批評或評論的目的(第39(1)條);或為報導時事的目的(第39(2)條)的作品。在決定是否屬公平處理時,須考慮的因素包括該項處理的目的及性質;該作品的性質,及就該作品的整項而言,所處理的部分所佔的數量及實質程度(第38(3)條)。法庭看來有權把特定形式的複製當作公平處理。公平處理的抗辯理由為一公眾利益的辯護,並不可在私人商業的權益上使用:Newspaper Licensing Agency Ltd v Marks & Spencer Plc [2001] RPC 536。另見 Copyright; Direct infringement; Indirect infringement。




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