

单词 Engross
释义 謄寫
1. To prepare the final copy of a deed. Formerly it referred to a copy of a deed or will written in a special court script. 2. To buy a crop such as corn in a large quantity for the purpose of selling it on for a profit. Engrossing was an offence at common law. See also Deed; Engrossment.
1.擬備契據的最後副本。先前指在特別法庭的文稿上的手寫契據或遺囑的文本。      壟斷 2. 指在為牟利而售賣的情況下,大量地購買某農作物,例如玉米。在普通法下,壟斷屬罪行。另見 Deed; Engrossment。v.




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