

单词 Mandatory injunction
释义 強制性禁令
A court order directing that a positive act be done by a party. It may compel a person to repair a wrong, or compel the performance of a contractual obligation (Astro Exito Navegacion SA v Southland Enterprise Ltd (No 2) (Chase Manhattan Bank NA intervening), The Messiniaki Tolmi [1982] QB 1248). An interlocutory mandatory injunction will only be granted where the court feels ‘a high degree of assurance’ that at the trial it will appear that the injunction was rightly granted or that there is a ‘very strong probability’ of such on the facts and a ‘strong prima facie case’: TKJ Ltd v New Happy Ltd [1995] 1 HKC 551 (CA); A & A Continental Commodities Ltd v Mak Chi Sing [1983] 1 HKC 94 (CA). The court will exercise its jurisdiction and grant a mandatory injunction, where the injury done to the plaintiff cannot be estimated and sufficiently compensated for by damages (Kennard v Cory Bros & Co Ltd [1922] 2 Ch 1 (CA)), or is so serious and material that the restoration of things to their former condition is the only method whereby justice can be adequately done (Marriott v East Grinstead Gas and Water Co [1909] 1 Ch 70), or where the injury complained of is in breach of an express agreement (Achilli v Tovell [1927] 2 Ch 243). See also Anton Piller order; Injunction; Prohibitory injunction; Specific performance.
指示某一方須作出某正面作為的法令。它可強迫某人補救錯誤,或強迫某人履行某合約責任(Astro Exito Navegacion SA v Southland Enterprise Ltd (No 2) (Chase Manhattan Bank NA intervening), The Messiniaki Tolmi [1982] QB 1248)。非正審必須履行的強制令只可當法庭認為在審訊之中有‘相當高的程度’該強制令屬正確地授予或事實上‘有相當大的可能性’及該案件強烈地屬‘表面的案’的情況下,方可授予:TKJ Ltd v New Happy Ltd [1995] 1 HKC 551 (上訴法院);A & A Continental Commodities Ltd v Mak Chi Sing [1983] 1 HKC 94 (上訴法院)。法庭可行使其司法管轄權及授予必須履行的強制令,當對原訴人所造成的傷害無法被估計,及損害賠償可足夠地補償其傷害(Kennard v Cory Bros & Co Ltd [1922] 2 Ch 1 (英國上訴法院)),或嚴重及關鍵的程度達至將所有事情還原至先前的情況是法庭唯一一項可足以維持公平的方式(Marriott v East Grinstead Gas and Water Co [1909] 1 Ch 70),或所投訴的傷害屬違反某明示協議(Achilli v Tovell [1927] 2 Ch 243)。另見 Anton Piller order; Injunction; Prohibitory injunction; Specific performance。




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