

单词 Substratum
释义 底層/基礎
In corporations law, the intention and common understanding of the members (shareholders). The High Court has the power to compulsorily wind a company up if it is of the opinion that it would be just and equitable to do so: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 168A. One of the categories where the court has found such an opinion is where there has been a failure of the substratum: Re Suburban Hotel Co (1867) 2 Ct App 737; Re German Date Coffee Co (1882) 20 Ch D 169; Cotman v Brougham [1918] AC 514; Re Eastern Telegraph Co Ltd [1947] 2 All ER 104; Galbraith v Merito Shipping Co Ltd 1947 SC 446. One of the categories where the court has found such an opinion is where there has been a failure of the substratum: Re Tivoli Freeholds [1972] VR 445. See also Objects clause.
就法團法而言,成員(股東)的意向及共同理解。高等法院有把公司強制清盤的權力,如它認為這樣做是公正而公平的:《公司條例》(第32章)第168A條。高等法院的看法可基於一些類別形成,其中之一項為沒有基礎:Re Suburban Hotel Co (1867) 2 Ct App 737; Re German Date Coffee Co (1882) 20 Ch D 169; Cotman v Brougham [1918] AC 514; Re Eastern Telegraph Co Ltd [1947] 2 All ER 104; Galbraith v Merito Shipping Co Ltd 1947 SC 446。高等法院的看法可基於一些類別形成,其中之一項為沒有基礎:Re Tivoli Freeholds [1972] VR 445。另見 Objects clause。 n.




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