

单词 Time stipulation
释义 時限規定
 In contract law, a term under which the parties fix the time at which their contractual obligations are to be performed. A time stipulation may specify a date or a period, refer to a specified event which may or may not be an element of either party’s performance, or it may be a combination of these. When a contract does not specify a time for performance, a stipulation will be implied requiring the obligation to be performed within a reasonable time: British Steel Corp v Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co Ltd [1984] 1 All ER 504. A time stipulation will have the status of an essential term (condition) if the contract confers a right to terminate in respect of any breach of it, or if the parties use words such as ‘time is of the essence’. The court will require precise compliance with stipulations as to time wherever the circumstances of the case indicate that this would fulfil the intention of the parties, for example, in ‘mercantile’ contracts (Bunge Corp v Tradax SA [1981] 2 All ER 513, sub nom Bunge Corpn, New York v Tradax SA, Panama [1981] 1 WLR 711 (HL)) and in other cases where the nature of the contract or of the subject matter or the circumstances of the case require precise compliance (Hare v Nicoll [1966] 2 QB 130, [1966] 1 All ER 285 (CA). It is not necessary to use the phrase if the intention, time limit, and consequences are clear. See also Condition; Express term; Notice; Performance; Reasonable time; Right to terminate; Unreasonable delay.
就合約法而言,指合約方定出他們履行合約義務的時限的條款。時限規定可訂明日期或期間,提述可能屬於或可能不屬於任何一方履行的元素的指明事情,或可能是上述兩者的組合。如某合約並沒有訂明履行的時間,則會推定需在合理的時間內履行的責任:British Steel Corp v Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co Ltd [1984] 1 All ER 504。如有關的合約就任何違約授予終止的權利,或如合約方使用「時間是要素」等字眼,則時限規定會具有基要條款(條件)的地位。如有關案件的情況證明此等做法會符合合約方的意圖,則法庭會要求須確切遵從有關時間的規定,例如在「商業」合約 (Bunge Corp v Tradax SA [1981] 2 All ER 513, sub nom Bunge Corpn, New York v Tradax SA, Panama [1981] 1 WLR 711 (上議院)) 及其他合約的性質或有關的標的事項或有關案件的情況須要確切遵從的案件 (Hare v Nicoll [1966] 2 QB 130, [1966] 1 All ER 285(芵國上訴法院)。如有關的意圖、時限及後果清楚,則無須使用此用語。另見 Condition; Express term; Notice; Performance; Reasonable time; Right to terminate; Unreasonable delay。




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