

单词 Things dangerous in themselves
释义 物件本身危險

1. Things inherently dangerous in the sense that, if left, they may at any moment cause damage such that they cannot be handled without serious risk: Wray v Essex County Council [1936] 3 All ER 97. Examples include guns, explosives and poison: Wray v Essex County Council, supra. Originally, a third party who had not contracted with the defendant could not claim damages for injury caused by a defective product unless the product was dangerous in itself: Langmeid v Holliday (1851) 6 Ex 76, 155 ER 752. However, liability for defective products is no longer restricted to situations in which the product is dangerous in itself: Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] AC 562. 2. Where inherently dangerous property does not affect members of the public in the exercise of rights common to all members of the public it is not a public nuisance, but it may be a private nuisance if it materially interferes with a person’s user or enjoyment of land (Spicer v Smee [1946] 1 All ER 489), or of some right connected with land.
1. 固有危險的物件,即如留下,該物件可在任何時刻導致該等不可在沒有嚴重危險之下處理的損害:Wray v Essex County Council [1963] 3 All ER 97。例如槍、炸藥及毒藥: Wray v Essex County Council, 見上文。原本沒有與被告人訂立合約的第三方不可申索由有缺陷的產品導致的損害,除非有關的產品本身危險,則不在此限:Langmeid v Holliday (1851) 6 Ex 76, 155 ER 752。但就有缺陷的產品的法律責任再不受有關的產品本身危險的情況所限:Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] AC 562。  2. 如固有危險的財物沒有影響公眾人士行使所有公眾人士的共同權利,則不屬於公眾滋擾;但如關鍵性地干預一人使用或享用土地, (Spicer v Smee [1946] 1 All ER 489) 或若干與土地有關的權利, 則可能屬於私人滋擾。





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