

单词 Contingency fee
释义 勝訴/成功酬金
A sum of money paid as legal costs to a solicitor or barrister only in the event of success in litigation. A contingency fee arrangement is unlawful on grounds of public policy in Hong Kong. It is expressly prohibited for a solicitor to enter into such an arrangement with a client in a contentious matter: Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap 159) s 64(1); The Hong Kong Solicitors’ Guide to Professional Conduct (Vol 1), Principle 4.16. Likewise, such an arrangement is prohibited in the case of barristers: Bar Code paras 60(a), 124. Note that the prohibition in the case of solicitors is confined to contentious matters only. It is therefore not lawful for a solicitor to agree on a commission basis to recover debts due to a client provided the agreement is limited strictly to debts which are recovered without the institution of legal proceedings. There is an institutionalised form of contingency fee permitted under the Supplementary Legal Aid Scheme. A fund has been made available to assist litigants of limited financial means in civil litigation in respect of personal injuries actions and claims under the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance (Cap 282). If a legally aided person wins the case, a percentage of the compensation awarded is paid back into the fund. See also Champerty.
一筆僅在訴訟中勝訴的時候,給付律師或大律師作為法律費用的款額。在香港,基於公共政策理由,勝訴/成功酬金制安排是不合法的;法律有明文規定禁止律師與客戶在爭訴事宜上作出是樣安排:法律執業者條例》(第159章)第64(1)條; 《律師指引》第4.16條準則。對大律師而言,是項安排亦同樣被禁止:《香港特別行政區大律師公會行動守則》第60(a)及124段。要注意的是,對律師而言,禁止只局限於爭訟事宜。故此,如律師同意按傭金基準為客戶追討拖欠客戶的債項,只要協議下的債項完全不涉及法律程序的提起,協定並不違法。在法律援助輔助計劃下,可准許有制度化形式勝訴/成功酬金制。根據《僱員補償條例》(第282章),政府巳成立一項基金,用以幫助在人身傷害的民事訴訟和申索中,財政資源有限的訴訟人;如受法律援助的人勝訴,部分的判給賠償會用作償付基金。另見 Champerty。




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