

单词 Military occupation
释义 軍事佔領
The period during which a territory is occupied by or placed under the control of a hostile enemy army, and by which the competence of the territory’s legitimate political authority is temporarily exercised by the occupant. During the military occupation, the occupant is obliged to administer public order in accordance with the laws in force, unless annulled and replaced by martial law promulgated by the occupant. The status of the territory and the identity of its governmental authority before occupation may continue, notwithstanding its military occupation. Military occupation resulting from the use of force contrary to the Charter of the United Nations 1945 art 2(4) is prohibited: UN GA Res 2625 (XXV) Principle 1. See also Occupation.
指某地區被敵對軍隊佔領或受其控制,而該地區權限範圍的合法政治權力暫時由佔有者行使。在軍事佔領期間,佔有者有責任根據現行的法律管理該地區的公共秩序,除非由佔有者所公布的軍事法所廢棄及取代。即使該地區被軍事佔領,在被佔領前該地區的地位及其政府權力的身分可持續。與《1945年聯合國憲章》第2條(4)有牴觸的武力使用而引起的軍事佔領屬違禁行為:UN GA Res 2625 (XXV) Principle 1。另見 Occupation。




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