

单词 Champerty
释义 幫訴罪
An aggravated form of maintenance in which the consideration given for the maintenance of a suit is part of anything gained as the result of the proceedings, or some other profit: Trendtex Trading Corp v Credit Suisse [1982] AC 679. Champerty implies a bargain of some sort between a litigating party and another person who has no interest in the subject in dispute, to divide the property sued for between them if they prevail, in consideration of the other person carrying on the suit at his or her own expense: Cannonway Consultant Ltd v Kenworth Engineering Ltd [1995] 1 HKC 179, 2 HKLR 475. Champerty infringes the rule of public policy where the property in dispute becomes the subject matter of a contract to share in the proceeds of the proceedings: Re Trepca Mines Ltd (No 2) [1962] 3 All ER 351, [1963] Ch 199. It is an indictable offence and the penalty is imprisonment for up to seven years and a fine: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 101I(1). The doctrine of champerty does not extend from public justice to a private consensual system, such as arbitration: Giles v Thompson [1993] All ER 321; Cannonway Consultant Ltd v Kenworth Engineering Ltd, supra. See also Barratry; Illegal contract; Maintenance.
加重形式的金錢資助,對某訴訟的金錢資助所作出的代價,屬該法律程序引致獲取任何東西的一部分,或其他利潤:Trendtex Trading Corp v Credit Suisse [1982] AC 679。幫訴罪意味訴訟一方與另一個在爭議中亳無利益的人之間存有某種協定,若獲勝訴的話,雙方瓜分在訴訟中的財物,代價為該另一人自費進行該訴訟:Cannonway Consultant Ltd v Kenworth Engineering Ltd [1995] 1 HKC 179, 2 HKLR 475。當爭議中的財物成為一份有關該法律程序的得益的合約標的事物,幫訴罪觸犯公共政策規則:Re Trepca Mines Ltd (No 2) [1962] 3 All ER 351, [1963] Ch 199。幫訴罪屬可公訴罪行,刑罰是可處監禁7年及罰款:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章) 第101I(1)條。幫訴罪的原則並不由政府司法而延伸至私人同意解決糾紛的制度,例如仲裁:Giles v Thompson [1993] All ER 321; Cannonway Consultant Ltd v Kenworth Engineering Ltd, 見上文。另見 Barratry; Illegal contract; Maintenance。 n.




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