

单词 Freight policy
释义 運費保單
An insurance contract available to a carrier, protecting the insured’s right to recover the freight charged where the freight is lost. The loss must be due to agreed mishaps, such as accidents in loading and unloading operations, handling, bunkering, aircraft contact, explosions, breakdowns or defects of machinery, defects in the hull, and negligence of the master or crew of the ship: Scottish Marine Insurance Co of Glasgow v Turner (1853) 1 Macq 334 (HL). See also Freight.
提供予承運人的保險合約,以保障受保人在損失運費時可追討已索取的運費的權利。該等損失須因議定的不幸事故所導致,例如裝卸運作、搬運、為船加燃料、飛機碰撞、爆炸、機器停頓或有缺陷、船體有缺陷,以及船隻的船主或船員的疏忽:Scottish Marine Insurance Co of Glasgow v Turner (1853) 1 Macq 334 (上議院)。另見 Freight。




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