

单词 Mere representation
释义 僅是陳述
A statement or assertion that is not intended by the maker to be legally binding. The distinction between a statement that is intended to be contractual and a mere representation depends on the intention of the parties as evidenced by their words and the conduct at the time the statement was made: Liverpool and County Discount Co Ltd v AB Motor Co (Kilburn) Ltd [1963] 2 All ER 396, 1 WLR 611 (CA); Heilbut, Symons & Co v Buckleton [1913] AC 30 (HL). The major differences are: (1) the nature of recission for breach of a term differs from that of recission for misrepresentation; (2) liability in damages for breach of a contractual term will often arise without the necessity for any fault, whereas, except in the limited circumstances provided for in the Misrepresentation Ordinance (Cap 284) s 2, then is no liability in damages for a purely innocent misrepresentation: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 7, Contract [715.145]. A mere representation of intention to leave property by will, not amounting to a contract, is not enforceable: Re Fiakus, Farina v Fickus [1900] 1 Ch 331. See also Collateral Contract; Misrepresentation; Term.
指不是由擬備人擬使具有法律約束力的陳述或宣稱。擬使具有合約約束力的陳述與依賴在訂立陳述時由各方的文字及行為作出證據的意圖的僅是陳述之間的分別已被區別:Liverpool and County Discount Co Ltd v AB Motor Co (Kilburn) Ltd [1963] 2 All ER 396, 1 WLR 611 (英國上訴法院);Heilbut, Symons & Co v Buckleton [1913] AC 30 (上議院)。主要的區別包括:(1) 因違反某條款而造成撤銷的性質與因失實陳述所引致的撤銷不同;(2) 因違反合約條款而造成的損害賠償責任通常在沒有過失必要的情況下提出,另一方面除了在失實陳述條例(第284章)第2條所提出的有限情況以外,對純粹無意的失實陳述無須承擔損害賠償責任:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第7冊,合約,第[715.145]段。根據遺囑所許可授予財產意圖的僅是陳述,如不構成合約,即不可強制執行:Re Fiakus, Farina v Fickus [1900] 1 Ch 331。另見 Collateral Contract; Misrepresentation; Term。




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