

单词 Merchant ship
释义 商船
A sea-going ship registered and operated for commercial purposes, such as transport of cargo and passengers. A merchant ship acquires the nationality of the flag state and is subject to its jurisdiction even when on the high seas. Ships owned or operated by a State, unless used only on government non-commercial service, shall not, on the high seas, have complete immunity from the jurisdiction of any State other than the flag State: United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 arts 91, 92(1), 96. See also Prize law.
作商業目的(如貨物或乘客運輸)註冊及運營的海船類型船舶。商船取得船旗國的國藉,並受船旗國的司法管轄,就算在公海上。由國家擁有或經營的船舶,除非只用於非商業的政府服務上,在公海上必須不能在船旗國外,完全豁免其他國家的司法管轄:1982年《聯合國海事法公約》第91、92(1)、96條。另見 Prize law。




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