

单词 Mercenary
释义 僱傭兵
A foreigner engaged in military service on a hired basis. A mercenary is specially recruited to fight in an armed conflict, directly takes part in hostilities, is motivated by desire for private gain which substantially exceeds that paid to normal combatants, is neither a national nor a resident of a party to the conflict and has not been sent by a non-party on official duty: 1977 Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and Relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I) art 47 para 2. A mercenary is not entitled to the status of a combatant or a prisoner of war: art 47 para 1. See also Armed Forces.
在供僱用的基礎上服兵役的外國人。僱傭兵是特別為在武裝衝突中作戰,並直接參加戰爭行動而招聘的。僱傭兵的動機是為比一般參加戰鬥者高出很多的私人利益,他並非衝突一方的國民,或居民,亦非由非衝突方派出執行公務之人士:1949年8月12 日《日內瓦公約》關於保護非武裝衝突受難者的附加定義書(第一議定書)第47條第2段落。僱傭兵沒有權力享有參加戰鬥者或戰俘之地位:第47條第1段落。另見Armed Forces。n.




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