

单词 Merchant shipping
释义 商船
1. A fleet or group of merchant ships. In the nineteenth century, the term was used in place of ‘merchant navy’ in official sources. 2. The law relating to merchant shipping is enacted in the Merchant Shipping Ordinance (Cap 281), which deals with (a) registration and licensing of ships, (b) forfeiture of ships, (c) marine courts and courts of survey, (d) Trawlers, (e) Compulsory third party risks insurance, (f) detention of ships, and (g) evidence, regulations and fees. The safety of merchant shipping is governed by the Merchant Shipping (Safety) Ordinance (Cap 369).
1. 商船隊。19世紀時,此詞為官方使用以代替「商船船隊」。  2. 《商船條例》(第281章)就(a)船舶的註冊及領牌; (b) 船舶的沒收;(c) 海事及驗船法庭;(d) 拖船;(e) 強制第三者風險保險;(f) 扣留船舶;(g) 證據,規例及費用等制定有關商船的法例。商船的安全則由《商船(安全)條例》(第369章)所管轄。另見海軍船隻。




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