

单词 Foss v Harbottle, rule in
释义 Foss訴Harbottle之原則
The rule that the company is the only entity which has the locus standi to bring legal action against wrongdoers. The exceptions to this rule include: (1) where the act complained of was ultra vires: So Kwan Nane & Ors v Kowloon Stock Exchange Ltd & Ors [1973-1976] HKC 315 (HC); (2) where the act complained of was a violation of a requirement in the articles for a special majority; (3) where the act complained of was an invasion of members’ personal rights: Lee Tak Samuel v Chou Wen Hsien & Ors [1984] HKC 409 (PC); and (4) where there was fraud on the minority and the wrongdoers are in control: Anglo-Eastern (1985) Ltd & Anor v Karl Knutz & Ors [1988] 1 HKLR 322 (CA); Edwards & Anor v Halliwell & Ors [1950] 2 All ER 1064 (CA). However, where a plaintiff has a good cause of action to sue on his own behalf as a minority shareholder, the company can be joined as a co-defendant: Tan Eng Guan & Anor v Southland Co Ltd & Ors [1996] 2 HKC 100 (CA), Tay Choo Wah & Anor v Singapore-Johore Express (PTE) Ltd [1991] 2 HKC 180 (CA). Also known as the ‘proper plaintiff rule’ and ‘internal management rule’.
某公司是唯一有出庭資格針對侵權者提出法律訴訟的實體。此規則的例外情況包括:(1) 被申訴的行為屬越權行為:So Kwan Nane v Kowloon Stock Exchange Ltd [1973-1976] HKC 315(高等法院);(2) 被申訴的行為違反組織章程細則中特別過半數的條文規定;(3) 被申訴的行為侵反成員的個人權利:Lee Tak Samuel v Chou Wen Hsien [1984] HKC 409(樞密院);以及 (4) 在發生對少數股東的欺詐行為的情況下,公司受違法者控制:Anglo-Eastern (1985) Ltd v Karl Knutz [1988] 1 HKLR 322(上訴法庭); Edwards v Halliwell [1950] 2 All ER 1064(芵國上訴法院)。但如原告人有妥善的訴訟因由以少數股東的身分自行起訴,該公司可加入成為共同被告人:Tan Eng Guan & Anor v Southland Co Ltd & Ors [1996] 2 HKC 100(上訴法庭), Tay Choo Wah & Anor v Singapore-Jojore Express (PTE) Ltd [1991] 2 HKC 180(上訴法庭)。另稱「適當的原告人規則」和「內部管理規則」。




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