

单词 Banker-customer relationship
释义 銀行與客戶關係
The contractual relationship between a banker and a customer: Tai Hing Cotton Mill Ltd v Liu Chong Hing Bank Ltd & Ors [1986] AC 80 (CA). The ordinary legal relationship between a banker and a customer is that of debtor and creditor. When a customer pays in money to the credit of his account, the banker becomes the debtor and the customer the creditor. The bank borrows the proceeds so received and undertakes to repay them at the branch of the bank where the account is kept and during bank hours when a demand is made: Foley v Hill [1848] 2 HL Cas 28 (HL), 9 ER 1002; applied in Root & Anor v Nanyang Commercial Bank Ltd [1982] HKC 417 (HC); Joachimson v Swiss Bank Corp [1921] 3 KB 110 (CA). The obligation to repay could[R1] be made subject to and conditional upon terms by agreement. Customers cannot be refused withdrawal on demand unless they failed to satisfy a condition precedent stipulated by agreement: for example production of passbook in Root & Anor v Nanyang Commercial Bank Ltd, supra. A cheque drawn by the customer normally constitutes the demand: London Joint Stock Bank Ltd v Macmillan and Arthur [1918] AC 777 (HL). The bank has an additional obligation to pay its customer’s cheques when there is sufficient credit in his account: Foley v Hill, supra; Joachimson v Swiss Bank Corp, supra; Bank of New South Wales v Laing [1954] AC 135, 1 All ER 213 (PC). However, the right to overdraw an account only arises from a special agreement. The general relationship between the banker and the customer is not of a fiduciary nature: National Westminster Bank plc v Morgan [1985] 1 AC 686, 1 All ER 821 (HL). Although it is possible for a banker to assume the position of trustee, the banker-customer relationship does not of itself constitute the banker as trustee: Joachimson v Swiss Bank Corp, supra. There is a duty of confidentiality owed by the banker to the customer. It is an implied term of the contract between the banker and his customer that the banker will not divulge to third parties either the state of the customer’s account, or any of his transactions with the bank, or any information relating to the customer acquired through the keeping of his account, unless the disclosure was under compulsion of law, there was a public duty to disclose, the interests of the bank required disclosure or disclosure was made by the express and implied consent of the customer: Chase Manhattan Bank NA v FDC Co Ltd [1985] 2 HKC 470 (CA); Tournier v National Provincial and Union Bank of England [1924] 1 KB 461 (CA). See also Bank; Banker; Cheque; Customer of a bank.
銀行與客戶之間的合約關係:Tai Hing Cotton Mills Ltd v Liu Chong Hing Bank Ltd [1986] AC 80(英國上訴法庭)。銀行與客戶之間的一般法律關係是債務人與債權人之間的關係。當客戶交付款項存入本身的戶口時,銀行便成為債務人,而客戶則成為債權人。銀行借入以此方式收取的款項,並承諾在銀行營業時如客戶提出要求,便會在客戶所開立戶口的銀行分行付還款項:Foley v Hill [1848] 2 HL Cas 28(上議院),9 ER1002;於 Root & Anor v Nanyang Commercial Bank Ltd [1982] HKC 417(高等法院);和Joachimson v Swiss Bank Corp [1921] 3 KB 110(英國上訴法院)中予以引用。銀行付還款項的義務可受彼此協議的條件限制,或以履行協議條款為準。客戶要求提款時,銀行不得予以拒絕;除非客戶未能符合協議所訂定的先決條件,才作別論:例如,出示銀行存摺:Root & Anor v Nanyang Commercial Bank Ltd,見上文。客戶所簽發的支票通常是構成客戶提款的要求:London Joint Stock Bank Ltd v Macmillan and Arthur [1918] AC 777 (上議院),第 789頁。如客戶戶口的結餘有足夠存款,銀行便有額外義務按客戶支票支付款項,:Foley v Hill,見上文;Joachimson v Swiss Bank Corp,見上文;Bank of New South Wales v Liang [1954] AC 135, 1 All ER 213 (樞密院)。但只可在有特別協議的情況下,客戶才有戶口透支的權利。銀行與客戶之間的關係並非受託的性質:National Westminster Bank Ltd Plc v Morgan [1985] 1 AC 686, 1 All ER 821 (上議院)。儘管銀行可承擔受託人的位置,但銀行與客戶存在的關係本身並不構成銀行作為受託人的身分:Joachimson v Swiss Bank Corp ,見上文。銀行須向客戶承擔保密的責任。銀行與客戶之間有合約上的隱含條款,規定銀行不可向第三者透露客戶戶口的狀況,或客戶與銀行之間的任何交易,或因客戶開立銀行戶口而從客戶處獲得的客戶資料;除非銀行受法律所規限須予以披露,或因公眾利益的責任而須透露,或基於銀行本身的利益而必須予以透露,或得到客戶的明示或默示同意可以透露,才作別論:Chase Manhatten Bank NA v FDC Co Ltd [1985] 2 HKC 470;Tournier v National Provincial and Union Bank of England ([1924] 1 KB 461(英國上訴法院)。另見 Bank; Banker; Cheque; Customer of a bank。




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