

单词 Intoxicating liquor
释义 令人醺醉的酒類
Spirits, liqueurs, wines, beer and all other liquors fit or intended for use as a beverage: Dutiable Commodities Ordinance (Cap 109) s 53. ‘Liquor’, ‘alcoholic liquor’, ‘spirituous liquor’ or ‘spirit’ means any liquid which contains more than 1.2% of ethyl alcohol by volume except denatured spirits and any such liquid that is an ingredient in any goods, if that liquid cannot be converted to pure ethyl alcohol or to an intoxicating liquor or if such a conversion would not be economical: s 53. See also Beer; Spirits.
包括酒精、力嬌酒、葡萄酒、啤酒,以及所有其他適合或擬作為飲品飲用的酒類:《應課稅品條例》(第109章)第53條。「力嬌酒」、「飲用酒類」、「烈酒」或「酒精」指任何以量計含多於1.2%乙醇的液體,除變性酒精,或作為任何貨品中的一種成分的任何液體(如該液體不可改變為純乙醇或令人醺醉的酒類,或將該液體如此改變是不符合經濟效益的):第53條。另見 Beer; Spirits。




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