

单词 Non-negotiable instrument
释义 不可流轉票據
An instrument which lacks negotiability. An instrument is not negotiable if it cannot be transferred by mere delivery if payable to bearer, or by indorsement and delivery if payable to order; the assignee cannot sue upon the instrument in its own name; or if the assignee does not take the instrument free from earlier equities (ie it cannot confer a better title than it had itself): Crouch v Credit Foncier of England Ltd (1873) LR 8 QB 374. A bill can be made not negotiable at its creation by containing words prohibiting its transfer, or indicating an intention that it should not be transferable: Bills of Exchange Ordinance (Cap 19) s 8(1). Such a bill is valid as between the parties to it, but is not transferable: s 8(1). By contrast, a cheque cannot be made non-transferable. The use of a crossing on cheques with the words ‘not negotiable’ written in conjunction does not render the cheque not negotiable, in the sense of transferability, but the crossing of a cheque has effect as a direction by the drawer to the drawee bank not to pay the cheque otherwise than to a bank and the assignee does not receive, and is not capable of giving, a better title to the cheque than the title of the assignor: s 81; Great Western Rly Co v London and County Banking Co [1901] AC 414 (HL). See also Discount; Indorsement.
缺乏流轉性的票據。不可僅藉交付,或如果是付款予指定人的票據者,不可藉背書及交付,而移轉的票據為不可流轉票據;受讓人不可以自己名義就票據作出起訴;或如受讓人不是在不受衡平法上的權益影響的情形下接受票據者(即它不能給予比自己所有的所有權為優者):Crouch v Credit Foncier of England Ltd (1873) LR 8 QB 374。匯票可藉其上所載,禁止將該匯票移轉,或顯示該匯票應不可移轉的意向之文字,而成為不可流轉者:《匯票條例》(第19章)第8(1)條。該匯票在其各方之間屬有效,但不可轉讓:第8(1)條。相反地,支票則不可變為不可轉讓。使用劃線支票並註以「不可轉讓」字句,不會令該支票變得不可流轉(即轉讓性上),但支票劃線有出票人付款銀行作出指示的效果,即除向銀行轉帳外,不得支付支票,及受讓人不會得到,亦不能給予支票較轉讓人為優的所有權:第81條;Great Western Rly Co v London and County Banking Co [1901] AC 414 (上議院)。另見 Discount; Indorsement。




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