

单词 Non-molestation order
释义 禁止騷擾命令
A type of injunction preventing a specified person from harassing or molesting another specified person: Domestic Violence Ordinance (Cap 189) s 3. In relation to domestic violence, an appeal court may get cross-undertakings from the parties for non-molestation: Chan Chun Hon v Chan Lam Lai Bing Shirley [1994] 3 HKC 196 (CA). See also Molest; Injunction.
禁止某指明的人騷擾另一指明的人之一種強制令:《家庭暴力條例》(第189章)第3條。就家庭暴力而言,上訴法院可從婚姻雙方取得禁止騷擾的交相保證:Chan Chun Hon v Chan Lam Lai Bing Shirley [1994] 3 HKC 196 (上訴法庭)。另見 Molest; Injunction。




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