

单词 Immunity
释义 豁免權
An exemption from liability for prosecution for a criminal offence, given by the Secretary for Justice normally on condition that the person being granted the immunity gives evidence on behalf of the Hong Kong SAR Government. Immunity can relate to the involvement of a person in a crime or crimes (a transactional immunity) or to the use of evidence given by the person in specified proceedings to prove the commission by the person of a criminal offence (a use immunity): R v Chiu Heung Wah [1993] 2 HKCLR 242. It is a material irregularity in the course of the proceedings to withhold the terms of an immunity granted to such a witness or to prevent the defence from cross-examining the witness to the fullest extent on the benefits accruing to that witness from giving evidence for the prosecution: R v Hwa Tak Ming [1996] 2 HKCLR 40 (HC). While it is important that informers should be encouraged by way of a proper immunity to give evidence against other persons involved in the same crime, it is also important that the immunity should not be extended to the commission of other unrelated offences except so far as absolutely necessary: R v Yim Chun Pong [1996] HKLY 1124 (CA). As a matter of fundamental principle, a witness must not be told that having made a statement and then received an immunity from prosecution he must give evidence in accordance with that statement otherwise he will lose his immunity. The witness should be told that he must tell the truth and if not then he may lose the benefit of his immunity: R v Lai Wai Kin [1989] HKLY 262. See also Consular immunity; Crown immunity; Diplomatic privilege; Pardon; Undertaking.
免除就刑事罪行被檢控的法律責任,一般由律政司司長批予,條件是該被豁免之人士代表香港特別行政區政府作證。豁免權可能與某人涉及刑事罪有關(交易豁免權)、或與某人在特定的訴訟中,就證明某人犯罪所使用的證據有關(使用豁免權):R v Chiu Heung Wah [1993] 2 HKCLR 242。在法律程序的過程中,如對批予某證人豁免條件作出隱瞞,從而阻止辯方對證人就其為控方作證的累積利益作出充分的盤問,即屬重大的不當情況:R v Hwa Tak Ming [1996] 2 HKCLR 40(高等法院)。儘管給予正當的豁免以鼓勵舉報人針對其他牽涉在同一罪行的人作證重要,但同樣重要的是,除非有絕對的需要,否則豁免不應擴至其他無關的罪行上:R v Yim Chun Pong [1996] HKLY 1124(上訴法院)。豁免權的基本原則是不得告知證人,在他就作出陳述而獲得控方的豁免後,他必須根據該等陳述作證,否則會失去其豁免權。應告知證人他必須據實作證,否則可能會失去其豁免權:R v Lai Wai Kin [1989] HKLY 262。另見 Consular immunity; Crown immunity; Diplomatic privilege; Pardon; Undertaking。n.




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