

单词 Purpose approach
释义 按目的詮釋方式
Usually known in Hong Kong as the ‘Purposive approach’. An aid to statutory interpretation by which a construction that would promote the purpose or object underlying the statute is to be preferred to a construction that would not promote that purpose or object. When applying the purposive approach, the purpose is to be deduced by looking at the statute as a whole and also by extrinsic sources such as reports of Legislative Council debates and of commissions and international agreements. Legislation provides that such an approach is to be adopted by the courts: Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1) s 19. It is generally accepted that in the interpretation of a constitution such as the Basic Law a purposive approach is to be applied: Ng Ka Ling v Director of Immigration [1999] 1 HKC 291, 1 HKLRD 315 (CFA). See also Purpose rule; Statutory interpretation.

在香港通常稱為「有目的詮釋方式」。法例釋義的輔助器具,這個解釋方法在助長及不助長法規的潛在目的或目標之間選擇了前者。有目的詮釋方式在應用時,會考慮整體的法規及參考法規以外的資料來源,如立法會的討論,及委員會、國際協議,從而推斷法規的目的。法例規定法庭採用這個方式:《釋義及通則條例》(第1章)第19條。普通法一般公認,只有在意義含糊或產生疑問時,才訴諸有目的詮釋方式。然而,《釋義及通則條例》可能要求法規不僅要表面上看來含糊,及提供多於一個解釋,且在決定法規是否有多於一個解釋時,一個釋義並不助長法規的的目的,但另一個則然,那麼後者便會被採用。但必須要指出的是,第19條處理「應該做甚麼而非怎樣去做」:Medical Council of Hong Kong v Chow Siu Shek David [2002] 2 HKC 428, 438D-E (per Bokhary PJ)。另見 Purpose rule; Statutory interpretation。





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