

单词 Novation
释义 約務更替
1. An act whereby, with the consent of all parties, a new contract is substituted for an existing contract and the latter discharged: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 7, Contract [115.390]. Usually, but not necessarily, a novation takes the form of the introduction of a new party to the new contract and the discharge of a person who was a party to the old contract. At common law, but not in equity, novation was the only known method of assigning a contractual right. A novation requires the assent of all parties: Far East Consortium Ltd v Airedale Ltd (Henry Boot Far East Ltd & Anor) [1991] 1 HKC 325 (HC). 2. A term referring to a contract between a debtor, creditor, and third person substituting the third person for the debtor or creditor in the old contract. The consideration for the new contract is the mutual discharge by the parties of the obligations under the old contract. A mere assignment operating to transfer the rights which had been acquired under the old contract could be made without the assent of the debtor: Banca Di Roma Societa Per Azioni v Lee Kai & Anor [1998] 2 HKC 338 (CA). See also Contract; Discharge by agreement; Parties; Substitution.
1. 在各方的同意之下,一份現有的合約被一份新的合約所取代,並被解除的作為:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第7冊,合約,第 [115.390]段。概括而言,但並非必要的情況下,約務更替以將新的一方注入新合約的方式行事,並解除舊有合約的一方。在普通法上,但不在衡平法上,約務更替是唯一已知悉的可轉移合約權利的方式。約務更替須獲得各方的允許:Far East Consortium Ltd v Airedale Ltd (Henry Boot Far East Ltd & Anor) [1991] 1 HKC 325 (高等法院)。  2. 指有關債務人、債權人及代替舊有合約債務人與債權人的第三者的第三者之間的合約中的條款。新合約的代價是相互解除各方根據舊有合約的責任。實施純粹轉讓以轉移根據舊有合約所獲得的權利可在沒有債務人的同意下作出:Banca Di Roma Societa Per Azioni v Lee Kai & Anor [1998] 2 HKC 338 (上訴法庭)。另見 Contract; Discharge by agreement; Parties; Substitution。n.




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