

单词 Freedom of contract
释义 立約自由
Generally, under the doctrine parties are free to bargain the terms of their contract, the contract so entered is enforceable unless it is avoided by way of recognised legal principles: Winterthur Life Insurance Co v Au Oi Fong, Susana (HCB 1178/99, unreported). The doctrine is recognised by the court in a qualified sense that a balance has to be struck between the competing interests of freedom of contract and protection of weak contracting parties: Polyset Ltd v Panhandat Ltd [2000] 4 HKC 203 (CA). Contract for sale of land is not exception to the doctrine; parties are free to agree whatever terms they think fit: Jumbo King Ltd v Faithful Properties Ltd & Ors [1999] 4 HKC 707 (CFA). See also Contract.
概括而言,根據此等規則,締約雙方可自由議定合約的條款,除非受已獲承認的法律原則免除,否則可強制執行已訂立的合約:Winterthur Life Insurance Co v Au Oi Fong, Susana (高院破產案件1999年第1178號,未經彙報)。此等法則已獲法院予以承認,但有所保留,即須在立約自由與保護弱勢立約方之間的對立利益中作出平衡:Polyset Ltd v Panhandat Ltd [2000] 4 HKC 203 (上訴法庭)。售賣土地合約並非此等原則的例外情況;雙方仍有自由議定任何其認為適合的條款:Jumbo King Ltd v Faithful Properties Ltd & Ors [1999] 4 HKC 707 (終審法院)。另見 Contract。




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