

单词 Free alongside ship
释义 船邊交貨價
Abbr – FAS An arrangement under a contract for carriage by sea by which the seller undertakes to deliver the goods alongside the ship at his own expense. It is the buyer’s duty to engage shipping space and to give the seller adequate notice in so far as the contract does not itself indicate, when, within the contract period, and where the goods are to be ready and alongside what ship: Anglo-African Shipping Co of New York Inc v J Mortner Ltd [1962] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 610 (CA). Free alongside contracts differ from the ordinary inland contract of sale in respect of the place at which delivery is to be made, which puts on the seller an item of cost over and above that of the goods themselves, and also prima facie fixes the point at which the property passes and the risk falls upon the buyer and the price becomes payable: Nippon Yusen Kaisha v Ramjiban Serowgee [1938] AC 429, 2 All ER 285 (PC).
簡稱 – FAS 。在此等根據合約就海上貨物運輸作出的安排下,賣方承擔自費將貨物運輸至船邊交貨的責任。如合約本身沒有表明可以交貨及需要交貨至船邊的的船隻的時間(在合約期內)和地點,則買方有責任安排艙位及給予賣方足夠的通知:Anglo-African Shipping Co of New York Inc v J Mortner Ltd [1962] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 8, affd [1962] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 610 (芵國上訴法院)。就所需交貨的地點而言,船邊交貨合約與一般本地售賣合約不同,即會將比貨物本身較高的費用項目加諸於賣方身上,此外,表面上亦確定有關貨物的轉移事宜,因而應繳付有關的價格:Nippon Yusen Kaisha v Ramjiban Serowgee [1938] AC 429, 2 All ER 285(樞密院)。




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