

单词 Fraud
释义 欺詐
An intentional dishonest act or omission done with the purpose of deceiving.
Foreign relations - A recognised ground of invalidity of a treaty: Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 1969 art 49. A state induced to negotiate and enter into a treaty through the fraudulent acts of another state party, may invoke the fraud as invalidating its consent to be bound by the treaty. The Convention does not define fraud. The International Law Commission has also recognised the lack of international law and practice as to what constitutes fraud. The Commission has formulated a general concept of fraud applicable to the law of treaties and left its precise meaning and scope to be worked in practice. Fraud is one of the grounds upon which an award may be re-opened and set aside as a nullity: Weil, La Abra cases (1875) Moore Int Arb 3424.
Insurance - Fraud must be knowing, without belief as to the truthfulness or recklessness: Derry v Peek (1889) 14 AC 337. Fraud is a breach of the principle of utmost good faith (uberrimae fidei). At common law, the insurer is entitled to avoid an insurance policy if a claim is fraudulent and the insured forfeits all benefit under the policy, whether it contains an express condition to that effect or not: Britton v Royal Insurance Co (1866) 4 F & F 905. See also Insurance fraud; Uberrimae fidei.
對外關係 -   令條約失效的認可理由:《1969年維也納條約法公約》第49條。由於另一締約國的欺詐行為而被誘使進行商議及訂立條約的國家,可援用欺詐作為理由,使其同意受該條約約束的效力無效。但此公約並無界定欺詐。國際法委員會亦承認,欠缺有關欺詐釋義的國際法律及常規。委員會已就應用於條約法的「欺詐」擬定概括的原則,並讓其確切的涵義及範圍留待在實際應用時決定。欺詐是重新展開某宗裁決及將裁決判為無效的一項理由:Weil, La Abra cases (1875) Moore Int Arb 3424。
保險 - 欺詐須屬為人所知的行為,是在不相信有關事宜的真實性的情況下作出的的真實性,或有罔顧的行為:Derry v Peek (1889) 14 AC 337。欺詐觸犯絕對真誠的原則 (完全真誠坦率)。在普通法下,如申索有欺詐成份,則承保人享有使保險單無效的權利,此外,有關的承保人可根據保單沒收一切利益(不論保單是否載有此等效力的明示條款):Britton v Royal Insurance Co (1866) 4 F & F 905。另見 Insurance fraud; Uberrimae fidei。n.




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