

单词 Freedom of movement
释义 遷徙自由
The right generally refers to the right to move within the territory of a State. Under the Basic Law, the right of movement also includes the freedom to travel and to enter or leave the Region: Basic Law art 31; Assn of Expatriate Civil Servants of Hong Kong v Chief Executive of the HKSAR [1998] 2 HKC 138; Cheung Lai Wah (An infant) & Ors v Director of Immigration [1997] 3 HKC 64, [1998] 1 HKC 617 (CA). It would not be appropriate to make a prohibition order unless prohibiting the judgment debtor from leaving Hong Kong was reasonably and properly conducive to the enforcement of the judgment: Avco Financial Services (Asia) Ltd v Topma Electronics Ltd& Ors [1999] 4 HKC 193. It is because the order will interfere a person's freedom to leave Hong Kong, which was a freedom guaranteed by Art 31 of the Basic Law, that is the freedom of movement. See also International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966.
普遍指在國家領土內遷移的權利。根據《基本法》,遷徙自由包括旅行的自由和出入境的自由:《基本法》第31條;Assn of Expatriate Civil Servants of Hong Kong v Chief Executive of the HKSAR [1998] 2 HKC 138; Cheung Lai Wah (An infant) & Ors v Director of Immigration [1997] 3 HKC 64, [1998] 1 HKC 617(上訴法庭)。除非禁制判定債務人離開香港是合理及適當地有助於強制執行判決,否則作出禁制令並不適當:Avco Financial Services (Asia) Ltd. v Topma Electronics Ltd. & Ors [1999] 4 HKC 193。因為該等命令將會干擾按照《基本法》第31條所保證某人可離開香港的自由,(即遷徙自由。另見 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966。




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