

单词 Notwithstanding
释义 不論/儘管

Lat – non obstante – not to stand against or in the way of. 1. Despite, in spite of, although, nevertheless. 2. However, even though, but, yet. 3. In legal drafting, used to signal an overriding condition, for example, ‘notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this agreement’.
拉丁語 ─ non obstante ─ 不抵抗或處於某事的地位。1. 不管、不顧、雖然、不過。2. 無論如何、即使、但是、仍然。3. 在法律草擬中,用以發出最重要情況的訊號,例如「即使協議中已載有任何相反的事項」。adv.





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