

单词 Manifestly excessive sentence
释义 明顯過重的刑罰
A sentence passed by a court which is so excessive, or out of the range of appropriate sentences for that type of offence, that it can be said that there has been an erroneous exercise of the sentencing discretion by the court, although no specific error can be shown in the reasons given to support the sentence imposed: R v Waddingham (1983) 5 Cr App R (S) 66 (CA); R v Lo Yim Kai [1966] HLKR 414. See also Manifestly inadequate sentence; Parity of sentence; Tariff.
指由法庭所判處的刑罰過重或超出就該類型罪行判處適當刑罰的範圍,在此情況下,可指出法庭錯誤地行使判處酌情決定權,即使沒有特定的錯誤可證明支持所判處刑罰的理由:R v Waddingham (1983) 5 Cr App R (S) 66 (英國上訴法院);R v Lo Yim Kai [1966] HLKR 414。另見 Manifestly inadequate sentence; Parity of sentence; Tariff.




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