

单词 Terms of trade
释义 貿易比率
1. The ratio of a country’s export prices to its import prices. It measures the purchasing power of its exports in terms of the imports they can buy. If the ratio worsens, ie if export prices fall relative to import prices, a given volume of exports will buy fewer imports. The terms of trade figure is calculated by comparing the export price index and the import price index. 2. Terms on which the trade (or contract) is based. The terms of trade may include the credit period: Tamco Electrical & Electronics (Hong Kong) Ltd (formerly t/a Newey & Eyre (HK) Ltd v Stephen Ng Chun Fai & Ors (CACV 132/93, unreported). The terms may be standard and well-known to, or at least readily ascertainable by, both sides: Customs and Excise Commissioners v Ping (Europe) Ltd [2002] EWCA Civ 1115, STC 1186 (CA).
1. 某國出口價格對入口價格的比率。按照該國可購買的入口貨品量度其出口貨品購買力。如有關的比率惡化,即倘若出口價格相對地與入口價格下跌,則給定的出口份量便只可購買較少的入口貨品。藉比較出口價格指數及入口價格指數計算貿易比率數字。  貿易條件  2. 有關貿易(或合約) 所依據的條款。貿易條款可包括信貸期:Tamco Electrical & Electronics (Hong Kong) Ltd (formerly t/a Newey & Eyre (HK) Ltd v Stephen Ng Chun Fai & Ors (民事上訴1993年第132號,未經彙報)。可用標準及對締約雙方熟悉的或至少可供確定的貿易條款:Customs and Excise Commissioners v Ping (Europe) Ltd [2002] EWCA Civ 1115, STC 1186(上訴法院)。




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