

单词 Indemnity
释义 彌償
1. Security or protection against loss or injury. 2. A sum of money paid to compensate a person for liability, loss or expense incurred by the person. 3. Legal protection against liabilities arising from one’s actions. See also Indemnification.
Administrative law - Legal exemption from penalties incurred. Certain government officials receive an indemnity against liability for anything done bona fide in the performance of their powers, duties or functions, for example, Banking Ordinance (Cap 155) s 127; Shipping and Port Control Ordinance (Cap 313) s 79. See also Diplomatic privilege.
Agency - Right of the agent to full indemnity against all expenses or loss incurred in acting on principal’s behalf, unless the contract excludes the right: Sun Hung Kai Investment Services Ltd & Anor v Fung Tak Sing [1991] 2 HKC 515 (HC). See also Agency; Agent; Fiduciary; Guarantee; Partnership; Principal; Promise; Third party; Trustee.
Contract - Under a contract of indemnity, to keep the promise harmless against loss, the independent obligation undertaken by indemnifier, which does not depend upon the existence of any other obligation of any other obligor: Halsbury’s Laws of England (2001), Vol 20 para 109. In the relationship of principal and agent, the principal has a duty to reimburse and indemnify every type of agent. When the agency is contractual, the principal’s duty is to reimburse all expenses of the agent and to indemnify him against all losses and liabilities incurred by him in the execution of his authority. The indemnity is full indemnity and covers not only payments which the principal or the agent is legally bound to make, but also other payments not enforceable against the principal or agent. Where the loss occurs by reasons of the agent’s own insolvency or default not contributed to by the principal, the agent is not entitled to be indemnified. In the case of gratuitous agent a separate contract can be implied in order to indemnify although there is no contract of agency. In such a case the indemnity is full. Where such a contract to indemnify cannot be implied, the agent’s claim to indemnity is restitutionary and is thus limited to the reimbursement of payments made by the agent under compulsion, in respect of which the ultimate liability is on the principal and the benefit of which the principal obtains: Ho, Hong Kong (1991) Agency Law pp 171-172. See also Agency; Agent; Fiduciary; Guarantee; Partnership; Principal; Promise; Third party; Trustee.
Employment - 1. In the employer-employee relationship an employer held to be vicariously liable for the negligence of its employee may claim an indemnity from the employee: Chan Chun Keung v Materials Consultants Ltd (HCA 11970/83, unreported). As an alternative, the employer may seek to recover the damages the employer has had to pay, in whole or in part, under the statutory provisions relating to contribution or indemnity between joint tortfeasors: Civil Liability (Contribution) Ordinance (Cap 377); Wong Yat Chiu v Chan Kwok Wa [1999] 2 HKLRD 849. 2. An employee injured in the course of his employment is allowed by the statute to obtain compensation against any principal contractor as well as against his employer: Employee’s Compensation Ordinance (Cap 282) s 24. Such protection was afforded to an injured employee so as to enable him to sue a principal contractor who might be in a better position to pay. Further, where the principal contractor was not a joint tortfeasor, save for s 24, the employee could obtain indemnity against the real tortfeasor, that is, the employer: Mak Wing Fai v Chevalier (HK) Ltd & Anor [1999] 2 HKLRD F17. See also Contribution; Vicarious liability.
Guarantees and indemnities - An agreement by which one party agrees to make good a loss suffered by another as a result of that other person acting or forbearing to act on the request of a third party: Stanley Yeung Kai Yung v Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corp [1980] 2 All ER 599, [1980] HKLR 195 (PC), [1981] 2 AC 787. A contract by which the promisor undertakes an original and independent obligation to indemnify, as distinct from a collateral contract in the nature of a guarantee by which the promisor undertakes to answer for the default of another person who is to be primarily liable to the promisee. The indemnifier’s liability to the indemnified is primary, not secondary as in a contract of guarantee; it is not conditional on the default of another: Moschiv Lep Air Services Ltd [1972] 2 All ER 393, [1973] AC 331 (HL). In the case of the guarantee, on the other hand, the obligation was the same and binding on both the principal debtor and surety: Hsin Chong (Maintenance) Ltd v John Cheung Suen Yue [1981] HKLR 15 (HC). See also Guarantee; Surety.
Insurance - A contract of liability insurance in which the insurer undertakes to indemnify the assured against legal liabilities incurred by him within a specified range: British Oash and Parcel Conveyors Ltd v Lamson Store Service Co Ltd [1908] 1 KB 1006 (CA). The term usually describes a contract to save the promisee from loss caused by the claims of third parties: Yeoman Credit Ltd v Latter, supra. This principle applies to most contracts of insurance excluding life, sickness and personal accidental insurance. The happening of the event does not of itself entitle the assured to payment of the sum stipulated in the policy (Dane v Mortgage Insurance Corp Ltd [1894] 1 QB 54 (CA). The event must, in fact, result a pecuniary loss to the assured, who then becomes entitled to be indemnified subject to the limitations of his contract: Dalby v India and London Life Assurance Co (1854) 15 CB 365. See also Guarantee; Indemnity insurance; Professional indemnity insurance.
Negligence - Compensation guaranteed by one party to another for loss and damage incurred with regard to a specified event. An agreement for indemnifying any person against civil liability for libel in respect of the publication of any matter shall not be unlawful unless at the time of the publication that person knows that the matter is defamatory and does not reasonably believe there is a good defence to any action brought upon it: Defamation Ordinance (Cap 21) s 29; Keep Point Development Ltd v Chan Chi Yim & Ors & Fullcountry Development Ltd & Anor (Third Parties) [2002] 1 HKC 131 (CA). See also Contribution; Vicarious liability.
1. 為損失或損害所作的保護或保障。  2. 補償某人招致的法律責任、損失或開支的款項。  3. 對產生自某人的行為的法律責任所提供的法律保障。另見 Indemnification。
行政法 -   招致罰款的法律豁免。某些政府人員就其在行使權力、職責或職能時真誠地作出的任何事情所承擔的法律責任,可獲得彌償:例如《銀行業條例》(第155章)第127條;《船舶及港口管制條例》(第313章)第79條。另見Diplomatic privilege。
代理 -   代理人就其代表主事人行事而招致的所有開支或損失,獲得全部彌償的權利,但如合約摒除此等權利,則屬例外:Sun Hung Kai Investment Services Ltd & Anor v Fung Tak Sing [1991] 2 HKC 515(高等法院)。另見 Agency; Agent; Fiduciary; Guarantee; Partnership; Principal; Promise; Third party; Trustee。
合約 -   在彌償合約下,為使承諾不會對損失有影響,由彌償人所承擔的獨立義務,此等義務並不取決於任何其他義務或其他義務人的存在:Halsbury’s Laws of England (2001年),第20冊,第109段。就委託人與代理人的關係而言,委託人有責任向任何類別的代理人作出償付及彌償。凡代理關係是合約訂明的,委託人有責任向代理人償付其所有開支,並彌償代理人在行使其權限時招致的所有損失和法律責任。此等彌償屬完全彌償,不僅包含委託人或代理人在法律上必須受約束的款項,亦包括不可對主事人或代理人強制執行的其他款項。凡因代理人本身的無償債能力或非由委託人促成的失責行為導致損失,則代理人無權獲彌償。就無酬代理人而言,即使沒有訂立代理合約,仍可根據隱含的各別合約獲得彌償。在此等情況下,該等彌償屬完全彌償。凡不可以隱含的方式確立此等彌償合約,則代理人要求彌償的申索屬具有可復原的性質,即就委託人負有最終法律責任以及委託人所獲得的利益而言,代理人的申索只限於要求彌償其在強迫的情況下作出的繳付:Betty Ho Hong Kong Agency Law (1991年) 第171至172頁。另見 Agency; Agent; Fiduciary; Guarantee; Partnership; Principal; Promise; Third party; Trustee。
僱傭 -  1.就僱主及僱員的關係而言,凡僱主被判須為其僱員的疏忽負有轉承責任,則該名僱主可向該名僱員作出要求彌償的申索:Chan Chun Keung v Materials Consultants Ltd(高院民事訴訟1983年第11970號,未經彙報)。另一方面,僱主可就其根據有關共同侵權人的分擔款項或彌償的法定條文而須支付的損害賠償,尋求整體或局部的追討:《民事責任(分擔)條例》(第377章);Wong Yat Chiu v Chan Kwok Wa [1999] 2 HKLRD 849。  2. 法規准予在受僱期間受傷的僱員從任何總承判商或其僱主獲得補償:《僱員補償條例》(第282章)第24條。此等保障是為受傷僱員提供,使他/她可起訴可能處於較佳償付位置的總承判商。此外,凡總承判商並非共同侵權人,僱員可從真正侵權人(即僱主)獲得彌償(第24條除外):Mak Wing Fai v Chevalier(HK) Ltd & Anor [1999] 2 HKLRD F17。另見 Contribution; Vicarious liability。
擔保與賠償 -   在此等協議下,就一方在第三方的要求下作出或不作出某項行為而蒙受的損失,另一方向其承諾作出補償:Stanley Yeung Kai Yung v Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corp [1980] 2 All ER 599, [1980] HKLR 195(樞密院), [1981] 2 AC 787。在此等合約下,承諾者承擔作出彌償的原有及獨立的責任;有別於屬擔保性質的附屬合約,即承諾者承擔為另一方的失責行為負上法律責任,而該另一方對受諾者是負有基本法律責任的。彌償人對獲彌償保障者負有基本的法律責任,而非猶如擔保合約般屬次要性質;並且不以另一人的失責行為作為條件:Moschiv Lep Air Services Ltd [1972] 2 All ER 393, [1973] AC 331(上議院)。另一方面,擔保責任對主要債務人及擔保人相同,並同樣具有約束力:Hsin Chong(Maintenance) Ltd v John Cheung Suen Yue [1981] HKLR 15(高等法院)。另見 Guarantee; Surety。
保險 - 在法律責任保險合約下,保險人承擔向受保人就其在特定範圍內所招致的法律責任作出彌償:British Oash and Parcel Conveyors Ltd v Lamson Store Service Co Ltd [1908] 1 KB 1006(英國上訴法院)。通常以彌償描述用以使受諾者免受第三方作出的申索而導致損失的合約:Yeoman Credit Ltd v Latter, 見上文。除人壽、疾病及個人意外保險以外,此等原則適用於大部分保險合約。即使有關事件發生,該事件本身不會使受保人享有保單中所訂定的繳付金額(Dane v Mortgage Insurance Corp Ltd [1894] 1 QB 54(英國上訴法院)。事實上,有關事件須導致受保人蒙受金錢上的損失,而其後在受其合約限制所管限的情況下,受保人有權接受彌償,但:Dalby v India and London Life Assurance Co(1854) 15 CB 365。另見 Guarantee; Indemnity insurance; Professional indemnity insurance。
疏忽 - 一方就某指明事件而招致的損失及損害向另一方擔保作出的補償,其因。彌償任何人就發布任何事項而須為永久形式誹謗承擔民事法律責任的協議,並非不合法,但如在發布時該人知道該事項有誹謗性,而且並非合理地相信如有任何訴訟就該事項提出時有好的免責辯護,則屬例外:《誹謗條例》(第21章)第29條;Keep Point Development Ltd v Chan Chi Yim & Ors & Fullcountry Development Ltd & Anor(Third Parties) [2002] 1 HKC 131(上訴法院)。另見 Contribution; Vicarious liability。n.




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