

单词 Terrorist act
释义 恐怖主義行為
The use or threat of action made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause and which is intended to compel the government or to intimidate the public where the action would cause serious violence against a person, serious damage to property, endanger a person’s life, create a serious risk to the public health or safety, is intended seriously to interfere with or seriously to disrupt an electronic system, an essential service, facility or system; however, it does not include the use or threat of action in the course of any advocacy, protest, dissent or industrial action: United Nations (Anti-Terrorism Measures) Ordinance (Cap 575) s 2(1), (2). See also Terrorist property.
指為推展政治、宗教或思想上的主張而作出或恐嚇作出的行動,並擬強迫特區政府或擬威嚇公眾人士或部分公眾人士,即該行動會導致針對人的嚴重暴力;導致對財產的嚴重損害;危害作出該行動的人以外的人的生命;對公眾人士或部分公眾人士的健康或安全造成嚴重危險;擬嚴重干擾或嚴重擾亂電子系統、基要服務、設施或系統;但不包括在任何宣揚、抗議、持異見或工業行動的過程中作出或恐嚇作出行動:《聯合國(反恐怖主義措施)條例》(第575章)第2(1)及(2)條。另見 Terrorist property。




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