

单词 Qualified covenant
释义 有規限契諾
A covenant that is qualified, either by way of condition precedent or subsequent, or by way of limitation. It most common means by which a covenant is qualified is by words purporting to limit or restrict the liability of the covenantor: Sanderson v Berwick-upon-Tweed Corp (1884) 13 QBD 547. For example, a covenant providing for quiet enjoyment ‘without interruption by the landlord or any persons rightfully claiming under or in trust for him’ or ‘without any lawful interruption by the landlord or any persons claiming under or in trust for him’. Whichever of these forms is used, the covenant protects only against the acts of persons claiming under the landlord so far as they are successors in title to the landlord, or actually have authority from him to do the acts: Harrison, Ainslie & Co v Muncaster [1891] 2 QB 680 (CA). See also Condition precedent; Condition subsequent; Covenant.
受先決條件或後決條件,或受限制所規限的契諾。最普遍的規限契諾方法乃以文字宣稱限制契諾承諾人的法律責任:Sanderson v Berwick-upon-Tweed Corp (1884) 13 QBD 547。例如契諾保證安寧享用而不受業主或任何有權在業主之下或受業主委託之人士的干預、或「不受業主或或任何在業主之下或受業主委託之人士的合法干預」。不論這兩種的那一種形式,契諾只針對在業主之下的業權繼承人,或針對擁有業主授予的實際權限的人士提供保護:Harrison, Ainslie & Co v Muncaster [1891] 2 QB 680 (芵國上訴法院)。另見 Condition precedent; Condition subsequent; Covenant。




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