

单词 Leaseholder
释义 契約持有人
The entity that has an interest as lessee in real property that is leased: Sheffield Waggon Co v Stratton (1854) 48 LJ Ex 35. A person who has an estate for a definite term. The lease in which the interest is held can be any type of lease including an underlease: Re Russ and Brown’s Contract [1934] Ch 34 (CA). See also Lease; Real property.
擁有已批租土地財產的承租人權益的任何單位:Sheffield Waggon Co v Stratton (1854) 48 LJ Ex 35。任何在確實期限內擁有財產的人。持有權益的租契可以是任何類型的租契,包括分租租契:Re Russ and Brown’s Contract [1934] Ch 34(英國上訴法院)。另見 Lease; Real property。n.




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