

单词 Discontinuance of proceedings
释义 法律程序中止
Where the plaintiff in an action voluntarily puts an end to it. Discontinuance is only applicable to proceedings commenced by writ of summons. Leave of the court may or may be required to discontinue the proceedings: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 21. The plaintiff can discontinue the proceedings even though interim payment in his favour has been made: O 29 r 11. As for discontinuance in probate action: O 76 r 11. The rules for cost order when the proceedings are discontinued are governed by The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 62 rr 3(7), 10(1). See also Consent judgment; Dismissal of proceedings; Settlement.
指訴訟中的原告人自願終止訴訟。僅適用於由傳訊令狀展開的訴訟程序。在若干情況下無需法庭許可以中止有關的法律程序:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第21號命令。即使已作出有利於原告人的中期付款,原告人仍可中止有關的訴訟程序:第29號命令第11條規則。中止遺囑認證訴訟:第76號命令第11條規則。法《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第62號命令第3(7)及10(1)條規則規管法律訴訟中止時的訟費命令規則。另見Consent judgment; Dismissal of proceedings; Settlement。




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