

单词 Disclaimer of onerous property
释义 對負有繁苛條件的財產的卸棄
The act of a trustee in bankruptcy which abandons the interest of the bankrupt or the estate in certain onerous properties in order to free himself and the estate from the burden and liabilities attached to the property. The types of onerous properties which can be disclaimed include land of any tenure burdened with onerous covenants, shares or stock in companies, unprofitable contracts, and any other property that is unsaleable or not readily saleable: Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) s 59; Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 268. A disclaimer of onerous property operates to determine, as from the date of the disclaimer, the rights, interests and liabilities of the company, and the property of the company, in or in respect of the property disclaimed; but it does not, except so far as is necessary for the purpose of releasing the company and the property of the company from liability, affect the rights or liabilities of any other person: s 268(2). See also Proof of debt; Trustee in bankruptcy.
指破產案受託人在若干負有繁苛條件的財產放棄破產人或有關財產的權益,以解除他/她及有關產業附連在有關財產的債務及法律責任。可卸棄的負有繁苛條件的財產包括:屬任何保有形式的土地,而該土地負有責任繁苛的契諾;公司股份或股額;無利可圖的合約;及任何其他不能出售或不能隨時出售的財產:《破產條例》(第6章)第59條;《公司條例》(第32章)第268條。該項卸棄對公司及其財產在該遭卸棄財產中或就該遭卸棄財產而享有的權利與權益和承擔的法律責任,具有自卸棄日期起予以終結的效用,但除為解除公司及其財產的法律責任而有需要者外,該項卸棄不得影響任何其他人的權利或法律責任:第268(2)條。另見 Proof of debt; Trustee in bankruptcy。




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