

单词 Disciplinary inquiry
释义 紀律研訊
An inquiry in connection with a breach of discipline alleged to have been committed by a person from a profession. A case may be referred by the Preliminary Investigation Committee to the Medical Council for inquiry: Medical Practitioners (Registration and Disciplinary Procedure) Regulation (LN 521 of 1997) s 13(1). Where a case has been referred to the Dental Council by the Preliminary Investigation Committee, the Chairman of the Council fixes a date upon which it is proposed that the inquiry is to be held: Dentists (Registration and Disciplinary Procedure) Regulations (Cap 156A) reg 17(2). The Chiropractors Council may refer any complaint alleging a disciplinary offence to an inquiry committee for decision: Chiropractors Registration Ordinance (Cap 428) s 17(1). See also Disciplinary action.
就某專業人士被指稱違反紀律而進行的研訊。初步偵訊委員會可轉呈介有關個案予醫務委員會作出研訊:《醫生(註冊及紀律處分程序)規例》(第161E 章)第13(1)條。在初步偵訊委員會轉呈予牙醫管理委員會個案後,委員會主席須定出擬進行研訊的日期:《牙醫(註冊及紀律處分程序)規例》(第156A章)第17(1)條。脊醫管理局可將指稱有違反紀律罪的投訴,交由一個研訊委員會作出裁定:《脊醫註冊條例》(第428章)第17(1)條。另見 Disciplinary action。




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