

单词 Testimonium
释义 結尾條款

Lat – testimony, attestation, or evidence. In relation to a deed, the part of the deed that states that the parties have signed, sealed, and delivered the deed. The testimonium is usually located at the end of a deed or will, and traditionally begins: ‘In witness whereof’ and is then followed by the signature of the testator and the witnesses. In Hong Kong, the testimonium includes the Hong Kong Identity Card Number or passport number for identification purposes: Lee Yeung Chun & Anor v Ng Choi Chun [1990] 1 HKC 222. Also known as ‘execution clause’. See also Attest; Attestation; Deed; Delivery; Sealing; Will.
拉丁語 – 證明、見證或證據。就契據而言,指聲明締約方已簽署、蓋章及交付有關契據的部分。結尾條款通常在契據或遺囑的未尾,並傳統上以「茲證明」開始,其後接著立遺囑人和證人的簽署。在香港,結尾條款包括香港身份證號碼或護照號碼以作識別:Lee Yeung Chun & Anor v Ng Choi Chun [1990] 1 HKC 222。另稱「簽立條款」。另見 Attest; Attestation; Deed; Delivery; Sealing; Will。n.





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