

单词 Consent order
释义 同意命令
A court order made with the consent of the parties to proceedings: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 42 r 5A; The Rules of the District Court (Cap 336H). Such an order is often made for the purpose of giving effect to a settlement between the parties. Under the High Court Practice Direction, consent order complying with the conditions of O 42 r 5A and signed by solicitors of the parties, will be endorsed by the Chief Clerk of the court and will then be sealed and filed in the Registry. A consent order is no less a contract, unless there is no intention to be bound: Law Shi Ying v Law Kam Tai [1994] 1 HKC 378 (CA). There is superadded the command of the court, and its force and effect derives from the contract between the parties leading to, or evidenced by, or incorporated in, the consent order: Mullins v Howell (1879) 11 Ch D 763. See also Court order; Settlement.
Family law - A court order made with the consent of the parties to the proceedings. An agreement for maintenance by both parties may be implemented by an order of the court in the form of a consent order, however the maintenance agreement must be valid in accordance with the Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Ordinance (Cap 192) s 14(1). Once the court makes a consent order, the order must be dealt with in a manner as if it were a non-consensual court order: De Lasala v De Lasala [1980] AC 546 (PC).
在訴訟案中的當事人同意下由法庭頒下的命令:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第42號命令第5A條;《區域法院規則》(第336H章)。很多時, 這樣的法庭命令是為了執行訟案當事人之間所達成的和解協議而頒下。根據《高等法院實務指示》,符合命令第42條第5A條所規定的條件而又經各訟案當事人代表律師簽署的同意命令,會由法院的主任司法書記背書,然後蓋印存檔於法院登記處。同意命令等同於合約,除非當事人沒有意圖要受其約束:Law Shi Ying v Law Kam Tai [1994] 1 HKC 378(上訴法院)。另外附加法庭的指令,而指令的力量和效力則來自訟案當事人之間的合約,構成了同意命令,或由同意命令來證明,或併入同意同命令之中:Mullins v Howell (1879) 11 Ch D 763。另見 Court order; Settlement。
家庭法 - 意指在訟案當事人同意下由法庭頒下的命令. 訟案當事人就贍養安排而達成的協議,可以由法庭以同意命令的形式執行,但有關的贍養安排協議,根據《婚姻訴訟及財產條例》(第192章)第14(1)條的規定,必須是有效的。法庭一旦頒下同意命令,有關命令處理時必須猶如一份無爭議的法庭命令一樣來處理:De Lasala v De Lasala [1980] AC 546(樞密院)。




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