

单词 Illegal structure
释义 違例搭建物/非法僭建物
A structure that is unauthorised by the Building Authority, and includes construction, or the removal or alteration of any existing, approved construction, which contravenes either the terms of the Government lease, the provisions of the Buildings Ordinance, or the Deed of Mutual Covenant: Halsbury's Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 16, Land [230.0433]. No person shall commence or carry out any building works or street works without having first obtained from the Building Authority (a) his approval in writing of documents submitted to him in accordance with the regulations; (b) his consent in writing for the commencement of the building works or street works shown in the approved plan: Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123) s 14 (1). The existence of unauthorised structures with the practical and real risk of enforcement action being taken by the Government constituted a defect in title: Giant River v Asie Marketing [1990] 1 HKLR 297. Illegal or unauthorised structures affecting only some of the units in a multi-storeyed building does not affect the title to other units in the Building that does not have such illegal structures: Active Keen Industries Ltd v Fok Chi Keong [1994] 2 HKC 67; To Kam Kwong v Tseung Yuk Chu [1997] 3 HKC 542. Where a time limit clause and an exclusion clause are clear enough to cover the unauthorised structure, such clauses preclude the purchaser from raising any objection to title on this ground out of time: Jumbo King Ltd v Faithful Properties Ltd & Ors [1999] 4 HKC 707 (CFA). Also known as ‘unauthorised structure’.
非建築事務監督授權的構築物,包括在違反政府租契條款、《建築物條例》條文或公契條文的情況下,建造、移走或更改任何現存的、認可的建築物:Halsbury's Laws of Hong Kong, 第16冊,土地,第[230.0433]段。任何人未事先獲得建築事務監督下述的批准及同意,不得展開或進行任何建築工程或街道工程─(a) 對按規例向他呈交的文件的書面批准;及(b) 對經批准的圖則所顯示的建築工程或街道工程的展開的書面同意:《建築物條例》(第123章) 第14(1)條。如現存未經授權的建築物具有政府採取行動的實際而真正的執行風險,則會構成所有權欠妥:Giant River v Asie Marketing [1990] 1 HKLR 297。在多層建築物僅影響若干單位的非法或未經授權的建築物,並不會影響有關建築物其他沒有該等非法建築物的單位的所有權:Active Keen Industries Ltd v Fok Chi Keong [1994] 2 HKC 67; To Kam Kwong v Tseung Yuk Chu [1997] 3 HKC 542。如時限條款和免除條款已充分清晰覆蓋有關的未經授權的建築物,此等條款因時間排除有關購買人基於此等理由就所有權提出任何反對:Jumbo King Ltd v Faithful Properties Ltd & Ors [1999] 4 HKC 707(終審法院)。另稱「未經授權的建築物」。




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