

单词 Civil law
释义 民事法
1. It deals with the rights, duties and remedies of individuals towards each other. 2. It is defined in the Justinian’s Institutes as ‘that law which every people has established for itself’; in other words, the law of any given state. It is now more properly called municipal law. The term civil law applies to the Roman civil law. 3. A term formerly used to distinguish the system of jurisprudence held and administered in the Roman empire from the common law of England and the canon law regulating the government of ecclesiastical institutions. 4. In Western Europe, a system of codified laws as distinct from the body of precedents developed and evolved from the common law. See also Canon law; Common law; Corpus juris.
1.  處理個人相互之間的權利、責任及補救方法。 國家法 2. 於查士丁尼的《法學階梯》中界定為「各民族為自己訂立的法律」;換言之,任何特定國家的法律。現時更恰當地稱之為「國家法」一詞可用於指羅馬民法。 俗世法  3. 以前用於區別於羅馬王國內保有及施行的法學制度,及規限教會機構的政府的英格蘭普通法和教會法規的用語。 文明法 4.於西歐,編纂式法律的制度,有別於從普通法發展及演變出來的一套判例。另見 Canon law; Common law; Corpus juris。




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